古教授具有英國University of Bristol運動健康科學及國立陽明交通大學醫學院流行病學雙博士學位。古教授近年的研究主要運用流行病學方法,探討身體活動(運動)、靜態(久坐)行為對健康及罹病風險的影響。目的在透過前瞻性、先導性的運動健康科學研究,讓成果用於改善民眾的健康與福祉。
古教授為探討靜態行為對群體身心健康的影響,運用大數據分析及統合分析 (meta-analysis) 提出成人及老人每日久坐時間不宜超過9小時的建議。他有2篇研究成果不僅被世界衛生組織於2020年11月發布的WHO Guidelines on physical activity and sedentary behavior: web annex: evidence profiles所引用 (https://www.ncue.edu.tw/p/406-1000-3745,r93.php?Lang=zh-tw),也被加拿大2020年10月公布的Canadian 24-Hour Movement Guidelines for Adults aged 18–64 years and Adults aged 65 years or older: an integration of physical activity, sedentary behaviour, and sleep加以引用。世界衛生組織的身體活動指引向為各國政府所重視,並對臨床醫學、預防醫學、公共衛生及體育運動等相關領域的政策、研究與實務推廣工作具有指導作用。研究成果能收錄在WHO 2020最新版 (註:前一版於2010年發布) 的身體活動與靜態行為指引的研究證據中,足證其研究品質已趨近國際領先地位。
1.Hseuh MC, Stubbs B, Lai YJ, Sun CK, Chen LJ,* Ku PW*. A dose response relationship between accelerometer assessed daily steps and depressive symptoms in older adults: A two-year cohort study. Age and Ageing (accepted).
2.Chen ST, Stevinson C, Tien T, Chen LJ, Ku PW*. Accelerometer-measured daily steps and cognitive ability in older adults: a two-year follow-up study. Exp Gerontol 2020;133:110874.
3.Chen LJ, Stevinson C, Fang SH, Taun CY, Ku PW*. Effects of an acute bout of light-intensity walking on sleep in older women with sleep impairment: a randomized controlled trial. J Clin Sleep Med 2019;15:581-6.
古博文、陳上迪、鄭聖儒、陳俐蓉 (2019)。成人每日靜態行為時間上限的建議,臺灣公共衛生雜誌,38(3):228-235。
Ku, PW, Steptoe, A, Liao, Y, Hsueh, MC, Chen, LJ (2018). A cut-off of daily sedentary time and all-cause mortality in adults: A meta-regression analysis involving more than 1 million participants. BMC Medicine, 16(1):74.
Ku, PW, Steptoe, A, Liao, Y, Hsueh, MC, and Chen, LJ (2019). A Threshold of Objectively-Assessed Daily Sedentary Time for All-cause Mortality in Older Adults: A Meta-Regression of Prospective Cohort Studies. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 8(4). pii: E564.
Ekelund et al. (2019). Dose-response associations between accelerometry measured physical activity and sedentary time and all-cause mortality: systematic review and harmonised meta-analysis, BMJ 2019; 366: 14570 (Published on 21 August 2019).